Friday, 7 April 2017

The Travel Tag

1. Where are you from in the world?
I'm from Cologne, Germany.

2. Have you been overseas? When/Where?
I have been to sooo many countries, I couldn't list them all. Here's a link to my earlier blogpost about all the holidays I ever did. Including Germany I went on holiday in 29 countries, 31 if you add day trips, 33 with airport stopovers. To mention a few.
USA, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Kenya, Dubai, and most of Europe

3. Do you prefer summer or winter? Why?
WINTER is my favourite season of the year!!!

4. Summer or winter fashion?
Winter! Boots, scarves, coats, jumpers, tights...

5. Where is somewhere you would love to travel to?
Russia, Iceland, Canada, Kazakhstan, Greenland, Finland, Norway, Alaska, Washington, New York, California, South America, the list goes on and on...

6. Name your essential makeup items for the beach

Sunscreen!!! What's the point of makeup if you go for a swim?

7. Are you currently saving up for a trip?
Yes!! But I am not going to tell you where said trip is going to be, be surprised ;)

8. Do you like/dislike travelling?

9. Name a place in the world you would love to shop.

New York

10. Who is your favourite beauty guru and where do they live?
I don't watch beauty tutorials

11. What accent in the world is your favourite to hear?
All variations of British

12. How many countries have you visited?

Approximately 30 as you can read in the second question ;)

13. Why do you travel

I grew up travelling roughly twice a year. I love seeing new places, learning languages and experiencing different cultures. I wanna get to know the world!

14. Favourite city or country?



15. Most memorable experience abroad?

Living abroad:
2 years of Boarding School in the Lake District, UK
3 months internship in Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain
6 months semester abroad in Andalusia, Spain
1 year postgrad in Essex, UK

16. Best item purchased abroad?

So many things come to mind, think of all the shopping I did over the years in London, Disney, UK in general, Spain, Dubai, Paris.......

17. Advice for those who want to travel but think they can't?

Why would you ever think you can't? Don't buy random shit, save it in a separate travel account. Work hard, get time off work. Pick a destination. Read about it. Prepare. Be confident. Fly solo. Experience the world!

18. Travel accessory you always pack?


19. Can you recite your passport # from memory?

Yes hahahaha

20. Preferred method of travel: planes, trains or automobiles

Planes, cars, trains.


21. Top 3 Travel items?

Camera, sunscreen, extra shopping money

22. Hostel or hotel?

Hotels for sure, absolutely love them! Would never choose a hostel if I didn't absolutely have to pricewise.

23. Are you a repeat visitor or do you explore new places?

Both. I like to explore new places and my goal is to see as much of the world as possible, but if I particularly enjoyed a place I will most definitely revisit.

24. Do you read up on your destination for culture, history or safety or do you wing it?

Yes I do, not just for health and safety reasons but also to know what kind of sightseeing I wanna do

25. Favourite travel websites?

I'm too oldschool for travel websites. Real travel guides are my thing :D

26. Where would you recommend a friend to visit? City and why?

Dubai for all the cultural experiences, the lovely climate and learning so much and stopping prejudices against other cultures

27. You're leaving tomorrow, money is no option, where are you going?

Shopping in New York, work my way down to Florida, via Texas and Mexico to South America, through Brazil down to Argentina and Chile, back up with a short excursion to Galapagos, further up through Central America to California, short excursion to Hawaii, further up Washington, Alaska and a nice long trip through Canada. I mean you said money is no obstacle :D I hope time is no problem either. Otherwise just New York for a couple of weeks. 

28. Favourite landmark you have visited?

Land's End Cornwall

29. Beach holiday or travel/explore holiday?

Always travel and explore!! I want to learn and see new things!! And I am not made for the beach, my alternative to travel/explore would be a cosy cabin in a snowy forest.

30. To travel is to...


Have you seen my latest video? March Gratitude:

See you next week

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