All three terms are over now, there is only the summer left. Wow. I had an amazing third term though! No lectures anymore, "only" working on assignments, starting my dissertation, looking for jobs (I will actually start my new job on Monday, how exciting!!) and of course lots of fun!
Spring term ended with a lovely end of term meal with the writing society who I love to bits and pieces. We had a delicious dinner at Prezzo and received some hilarious awards.
I spent Easter on campus and had a delicious homecooked meal with the CathSoc. Later on this term we all went bowling together, I had a lot of fun!! Even though I lost :D

What else happend this term? My best friend came to visit me from Germany, we spent an amazing day in London, bought myself a MacBook, did a lot of video work together as well as a lot of walking.
We discovered some new areas near where I live, went on the rides in Clacton and enjoyed cooking together and showing each other some of our favourite films, because trust me, we might be best friends, but our tastes in movies couldn't be more different!
Watch our Best Friend Tag here:
And now it's June, which is the international pride month so we had some pride celebrations on campus and the last ignite of the year.
To celebrate the end of the year we had the Summer Ball, which was an incredible mixture of rides, circus artists, festival atmosphere, fireworks, dance club tents and live entertainment and concerts. It was overwhelming! The absolute highlight for me was to see Jack and Joel live. I first heard of them as part of the Oxford University acapella group Out Of The Blue, who I also desperately want to see live!!! I followed them on YouTube and over time they started doing their own thing, mostly accoustic medleys. They are so incredibly talented and it was pure joy to see them on stage. I really hope I can go and see them in London next month!
Oh, and Joel, thaaaaank you for taking a photo with me!! You are the best!!!
and Joel
You will see a lot more of the night in this month's gratitude project.
And I will see you next week,
with first impressions as a full time graduate employee!
Lots of love
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