Thursday, 26 May 2016



How are you? I am great! And I want you to be great, too! You know I am trying to find my inner balance and live healthy and full of energy and use and enjoy the day to its fullest. Carpe diem. So I have read a lot about Ayurveda and today I want to share this with you. Give you my opinion on it and suggest how to start including it in your day, if you're not able to completely change your life.
Ayurveda regards your body, mind and soul in unity. From physics we know that the energy level in a system is always constant, the energy form can be changed, but energy can never be created or used up. Even when we feel a loss of energy, our level of potential energy is still the same, we just momentarily lost access to it.
Vision + Focus = Energy!
In order not to lose focus it is important that we don't grieve the past, don't worry about the future. We need to appreciate the moment right now. Live now. When we are focused on the moment right now, our body, mind and soul are in unity with the universe, we have the Flow to happiness. Those of you who personally know me have heard me complain about TV and media and smartphones and people constantly using their phone, almost like an addiction. Don't get me wrong. Hell, I'm far from perfect. I get sucked into series, I am on the internet and social media, I even write a blog. But that doesn't change that I truly hate the era we live in, where little children watch TV to be quiet while eating, where kids have gameboys and ipads and what do I know... Where we are constantly under the influence of media. People are not able to spend time with their own thoughts. They can't sit on public transport or wait for the doctor or even listen to one complete lecture at university without checking their phone. It is an addiction. And I totally understand its appeal. But it is not good for us. This media overflow is the cause for illnesses such as ADS or hyperactivity. But how do we change that? Do we even want to change it? I know I have really strong opinions on this, not watching telly at all, only series on DVD on my laptop. I complain a lot about this era, this society, this phenomenon, whatever you wanna call it, but even I have my weak spots. Series, social media, my blog. And even if I were stronger and abandoned all of it, how would that ever work? How would I get the important information for uni that is only shared via email and facebook? How would I search and apply for jobs? How would I write my dissertation? But wait, I am drifting a little bit off topic. My point is, in order to focus on the moment and ourselves we need to reduce this media overflow and concentrate on the moment right now, on ourselves and our thoughts. Yoga is a good method to regain access to our energy. With its mixture of exertion and relaxation it teaches us to calm down, stop living under constant pressure, prevent us from burnout and maintain our health. I had wanted to do Yoga for years, but I was too shy to go to a class, thinking the people there already know each other, already know what to do, are more flexible, better prepared... That was a big misconception. Perfectionism is something we Westerners constantly aim for. But the point of Yoga is not to thrive at it or to impress the others. It is to relax our nerves, concentrate on our thoughts, focus on the moment and feel happiness and joy. So what if you "fail" at some of the Asanas (physical exercises)? Does that make you a failure? No, it makes you human.
If you want to learn more about Ayurveda, about stress, anxiety, insecurity and preventing burnout, I can really recommend the books written by Balvinder Sidhu. And in good time I am going to share what I have learned so far with you again. But always remember to do what is best for you and your body!

See you soon

Love you


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